Chrome Version 76 problem with Narration playback
Incident Report for Tribal Habits
Google has recently updated Chrome to version 76 (only 30 July 2019). Over the last week, Chrome began auto-updating browsers to this version. Today we became aware that this new version of Chrome created an incompatibility with the Narration playback for explorers if used in OSX (Mac) or Windows (PC). iOS users were not impacted. No other browsers were impacted. We eventually determined the issue was the new version of Chrome and have quickly pushed a fix to our production environment to compensate. A small number of users were impacted over the last few days (if users in your organisation were on Chrome 75 or earlier, there was no impact). Google's motto is 'do no evil', but in this case they had an unintended impact! The situation should now be resolved. Please contact support if your users have any further difficulties with Chrome or Narration.
Posted Aug 12, 2019 - 17:31 AEST